Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Delights

This time of year brings with it a multitude of memories. One that comes to mind today is of a visit to Costco with my oldest daughter who was three years old at the time. That year, in the Christmas toy/decorations section was a pre-karaoke style setup with an old fashioned microphone hooked up to speakers. You could sing along to Christmas songs or go solo.

The microphone happened to be set up on the floor and was adjusted to just the right height. Without prompting, my daughter stepped up to the microphone (which, as it turned out, was live) and proceeded to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer from start to finish. I watched as people shopping realized this was not a prerecorded singer. Some of them looked around to see where the singing was coming from. The microphone was placed part way down an isle and she wasn't visible if you weren't in the right place.

It tickled my heart to see and hear my daughter take such and action. She had no idea what effect she had on those shoppers that day.

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