After my short stay in the hospital, I took my new son home. Things were going just fine. I had gotten the hang of nursing.
My son was long and lean, so he was easy to bathe. Newborns seem small compared to their genitals right off. At least, that's the case for male babies. When his aunt changed his diaper, she commented on his "big balls." I just said, "He takes after his father." (her brother)
One of the biggest surprises I had as the mother of a newborn came when he was about three days old. I went to change his diaper and found it full of this black tar-like stuff. Talk about a shock! My son seemed fine but I called the pediatrician anyway.
I had to wait till the end of the day when the doctor called me back. Apparently, a baby's first bowel movement is like that. After all, they are hooked into mom's plumbing before they have their coming out party.